
Frequency-Domain Terahertz Spectroscopy System

  • TopSeller systems for cw-THz spectroscopy
  • Includes cutting-edge GaAs or InGaAs photomixers
  • Highest dynamic range: TeraScan 1550
  • Highest scan range: TeraScan 780
  • Applications: Spectroscopy, metamaterial research, gas sensing, THz communication testbed

TOPTICA’s TeraScan platforms are well-established “TopSeller” configurations for frequency-domain terahertz spectroscopy. The systems combine mature DFB diode lasers with state-of-the-art GaAs or InGaAs photomixers. The TeraScan 780 offers an outstanding bandwidth, and the TeraScan 1550 sets new benchmarks in terms of terahertz power and dynamic range. Both systems feature TOPTICA's proprietary “DLC smart” control electronics.

Owing to their exceptional frequency resolution, the TeraScan systems lend themselves to applications that involve spectrally narrow signatures, e.g. spectroscopy of low-pressure gases, high-Q resonators or metamaterials. In addition, users may choose to operate their TeraScan at an arbitrary, fixed frequency, a feature that has proven beneficial in terahertz communication research.