Work smarter and faster with lasers

ǀ  TOPTICA Tuesday

We have collected a sampling of TOPTICA-tools with a wide variety of uses and covering a number of common needs. These tools are fast, free, and easy-to-use. We hope you find one or two (or more) you can put to good use, today.
In the download area you find an overview of all brochures and datasheets for the various TOPTICA lasers. We also offer tools and software on this page: Calculator for Laser Optics, Software, OSS Licenses and many more.

For example ToptiCalcTM is TOPTICA Photonics scientific calculator specially designed for use in optics laboratories. We dedicate this helpful calculator to our customers, physicists and engineers, people that work hard in order to make optics and lasers useful for science and industry. It is free and we hope it can help to make some of your calculations easier!

Let us know if you miss a helpful tool. Maybe our development can help.